Christopher Packard
Christopher Packard is the author of Mythical Creatures of Maine and a full-time high school science teacher at Bangor High School. He is also a trail runner, swordfighter, storyteller, and outdoor adventurer. When not teaching, writing, or wandering in the wilds he can often be found on his small homestead in Hampden, Maine gardening, raising chickens, and spending time with his wife and two sons. Prior to taking up teaching and writing he worked as an ecological restoration technician, field biologist, naturalist, and outdoor educator. He has earned some pieces of paper that say things about degrees in biology and education. But most of his learning has come from his passion for discovery and his drive to bring people together.
Christopher’s family has been building ships, lumbering, hunting, trapping, guiding, and running wilderness resort hotels in Maine since before the Civil War. Christopher continues his family's outdoor traditions and has hiked the 100 Mile Wilderness, paddled the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, climbed Mount Katahdin, and run across Waldo County in a single day on the Hills to Sea Trail. Nonetheless, he’s still from away and that’s okay. Christopher was born and raised in Ohio, spending summers in Maine, until making his home here full-time in 2007.